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Welding Quiz - 1

Welding Quiz - 1

1 / 10

When manual metal arc welding is being carried out on an open construction site, which group of welders  are most likely to require continuous monitoring:

2 / 10

The steel composition in a structural contract is changed from 0.15% carbon 0.6% manganese, to 0.2% carbon 1.2% manganese. This might influence the incidence of:

3 / 10

Pre-heating a carbon steel manual metal arc welding is carried out to minimise the risk of:

4 / 10

One of the following alloys is non-magnetic. which one?

5 / 10

When 'hydrogen control' is specified for a maual metal arc welding project the electrode would normally be:

6 / 10

In UK practice, BS499 specifies that the drawing dimension quoted for a fillet weld is the:

7 / 10

When open site working, serious porosity in metal arc welds is brought to your attention. What would you investigate?

8 / 10

You would certainly recognise a hydrogen controlled flux covered electrode from its:

9 / 10

When TIG welding austentic stainless steel pipe, argon gas backing is called for:

10 / 10

You notice manual metal arc electrodes, stripped of flux, are being used as filler wire for TIG welding. You would object because:

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Radiography Quiz - 2


1 / 10

The atomic number of an element is

2 / 10

When radiation removes an electron from an atom , the process is called

3 / 10

Isotope of an element differ in their

4 / 10

Depleted uranium is used in some radiography cameras because it is

5 / 10

The energy of gamma rays from iridium 192 is

6 / 10

The unit of activity is

7 / 10

Co-59 becomes Co-60 , when it is placed in a nuclear reactor , where it captures

8 / 10

The project area of the target of an X ray tube is called

9 / 10

When radiation removes an electron from an atom , the process is called

10 / 10

The half life of a radioactive source is

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The average score is 53%


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Radiography Quiz


1 / 10

  1. The radiation quality of a gamma ray source is

2 / 10

to radiograph a 175 mm thick steel plate , which of the following gamma ray sources would be used.

3 / 10

1 Curie is equivalent of

4 / 10

the energy of gamma and x ray is expressed by which of the following units of measurement

5 / 10

The concentration of the radioactive material in a gamma source is referred to as

6 / 10

A radioisotope which undergoes 3.7 x 1012 disintegration per second will have an activity of

7 / 10

a radioisotope and stable isotope of an element differ in their

8 / 10

the curies per gram for a gamma ray source is called as

9 / 10

radioactivity of 1 Bq corresponds to

10 / 10

the emission of alpha radiation from a radioisotope leads to a daughter product with

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The average score is 52%


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Liquid Penetrant Testing

Liquid Penetrant Testing Quiz-1

1 / 10

How is the size of a liquid penetrant indication usually related to the discontinuity it


2 / 10

Correct developer coating thickness is indicated by:

3 / 10

The act of determining the cause of an indication is called

4 / 10

In the solvent removable penetrant process, excess penetrant is removed with:

5 / 10

Penetrant testing is limited by its inability to test which of the following materials:

6 / 10

Which penetrant process is best suited to detect shallow discontinuities?

7 / 10

Penetrants may be applied to the surface of part by :

8 / 10

The time period during which penetrant remains on the surface of the test piece is called:

9 / 10

The penetrant process best suited to use on parts with rough surfaces is:

10 / 10

Liquid penetrant testing is based on the principle of:

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The average score is 64%


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Liquid Penetrant Testing

Liquid Penetrant Testing Quiz-2

1 / 10

What minimum warm-up time is required for acceptable performance of a mercury Vapour arc black light?

2 / 10

What type of solvent removers may be used with a solvent removable penetrant?

3 / 10

A hydrometer is used to measure:

4 / 10

What is the preferred pre-cleaning process for removal of oil and grease :

5 / 10

Which of the following is a prerequisite for a penetrant test?

6 / 10

For adequate test results, the black light used in fluorescent penetrant examination should provide what minimum black light intensity at the test surface?

7 / 10

Visible, solvent removable penetrants are most advantageous for:

8 / 10

Which of the following types of pre-cleaning processes may be used for liquid penetrant testing?

9 / 10

Which of the following penetrants contains an emulsifying agent?

10 / 10

What is the likely result of incomplete removal of all excess penetrant from the test piece surface?

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The average score is 68%


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Liquid Penetrant Testing

Liquid Penetrant Testing Quiz-3

1 / 10

Which of the following is a function of a developer

2 / 10

The most sensitive type of developer for the detection of fine discontinuities is:

3 / 10

Excess penetrant removal is a two step process with which of the following penetrant methods?

4 / 10

Which of the following developers is applied before the drying operation?

5 / 10

Which of the following is a function of a developer?

6 / 10

In the solvent removable penetrant process, excess penetrant is removed with:

7 / 10

A developer aids penetrant bleed out because of:

8 / 10

Water based wet developer is applied:

9 / 10

Which of the following is the most sensitive developer in descending order?

10 / 10

The time period during which penetrant remains on the surface of the test piece is called:

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The average score is 69%


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Liquid Penetrant Testing

Magnetic Particle Testing Quiz-1

1 / 10

Why are magnetic particles available in different colors ?

2 / 10

Ferromagnetic material is :

3 / 10

The magnetic field is strongest when the :

4 / 10

If a crack exists in a circular magnet , the attraction of magnetic particles to the crack is caused by :

5 / 10

Which statement is true when related to magnetic lines of force ?

6 / 10

The retentivity of a material describes the :

7 / 10

Which of the following can be magnetized ?

8 / 10

The unit usually used to denote flux density is the :

9 / 10

  1. Magnetic particle is a nondestructive examination method used for :

10 / 10

The permeability of a material describes the :

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The average score is 68%


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Liquid Penetrant Testing

Magnetic Particle Testing Quiz-2

1 / 10

Magnetic flux lines which are parallel to a discontinuity produce :

2 / 10

A circular filed may be induced into a specimen by :

3 / 10

The magnitude of the residual magnetic field in a specimen is dependent on the :

4 / 10

Magnetic lines of force :

5 / 10

An electrical yoke produces :

6 / 10

A coil around the part produces :

7 / 10

In longitudinal magnetization the proper term for calculating magnetizing force is :

8 / 10

The proper number of ampere turns for a given test specimen is determined by :

9 / 10

What rule describes the direction of current flow when lines of magnetic force surround a conductor?

10 / 10

A part is adaptable to magnetic particle inspection if :

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The average score is 67%


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