Quizzes 0% 172 Created on April 08, 2023 Welding Quiz - 1 Welding Quiz - 1 1 / 10 When manual metal arc welding is being carried out on an open construction site, which group of welders are most likely to require continuous monitoring: Concrete shuttering welding teams Pipe welding teams Plate welders Plant maintenance welders 2 / 10 The steel composition in a structural contract is changed from 0.15% carbon 0.6% manganese, to 0.2% carbon 1.2% manganese. This might influence the incidence of: Porosity Cracking in the weld area Undercut for fillet welds Lack of fusion defects 3 / 10 Pre-heating a carbon steel manual metal arc welding is carried out to minimise the risk of: Scattered porosity Worm hole porosity Parent metal cracking Lack of penetration 4 / 10 One of the following alloys is non-magnetic. which one? 4.0% chromium molybdenum 12.0% chromium Austentic stainless steel 9.0% nickel steel 5 / 10 When 'hydrogen control' is specified for a maual metal arc welding project the electrode would normally be: Cellulose Iron Oxide Acid Basic 6 / 10 In UK practice, BS499 specifies that the drawing dimension quoted for a fillet weld is the: Leg Length Throat thickness Weld width Actual throat thickness 7 / 10 When open site working, serious porosity in metal arc welds is brought to your attention. What would you investigate? Electrode type Power plant type Electrode stroage Day temperature 8 / 10 You would certainly recognise a hydrogen controlled flux covered electrode from its: Colour Length Trade Name BS639/AWS code letter 9 / 10 When TIG welding austentic stainless steel pipe, argon gas backing is called for: Prevent oxidation Prevent underbead cracking Prevent porosity Control the penetration bead shape 10 / 10 You notice manual metal arc electrodes, stripped of flux, are being used as filler wire for TIG welding. You would object because: It is too expensive The wire would be too thick The metal composition may be wrong The wire is too short Your score isThe average score is 53% LinkedIn Facebook VKontakte 0% Restart quiz 0% 313 Created on September 28, 2022 Radiography Quiz - 2 QUIZ-2 1 / 10 The atomic number of an element is the number of electrons in the atom the number of protons in the nucleus of the atom the total number of proton and neutrons in the nucleus of the atom the number of neutrons in an atom 2 / 10 When radiation removes an electron from an atom , the process is called pair production ionization biological damage none of the above 3 / 10 Isotope of an element differ in their mass number atomic number electron number none of the above 4 / 10 Depleted uranium is used in some radiography cameras because it is a good shielding material a low density material and so light cheap and easily available none of the above 5 / 10 The energy of gamma rays from iridium 192 is equal to cesium 137 gamma energy greater than cobalt 60 gamma ray less than cobalt 60 gamma energy none of the above 6 / 10 The unit of activity is sievert Becquerel Gray none of the above 7 / 10 Co-59 becomes Co-60 , when it is placed in a nuclear reactor , where it captures electrons protons neutrons Atoms 8 / 10 The project area of the target of an X ray tube is called focal spot focus effective focal spot Geometric unsharpness 9 / 10 When radiation removes an electron from an atom , the process is called a good shielding material a low density material and so light cheap and easily available none of the above 10 / 10 The half life of a radioactive source is one half of the total life of the source the period in which the energy of the source becomes half the period in which the activity of the source becomes half none of the above Your score isThe average score is 53% LinkedIn Facebook VKontakte 0% Restart quiz 0% 265 Created on September 14, 2022 Radiography Quiz QUIZ-1 1 / 10 The radiation quality of a gamma ray source is Determined by the size of the focal spot Determined by the curie of the source Determined by the type of isotope involved Can be verified by the operator 2 / 10 to radiograph a 175 mm thick steel plate , which of the following gamma ray sources would be used. cobalt-60 thulium – 170 Iridium -192 cesium – 137 3 / 10 1 Curie is equivalent of 001 milli Ci 1000 milli Ci 100 Mega Ci .000001 micro Ci 4 / 10 the energy of gamma and x ray is expressed by which of the following units of measurement curie roentgen half life kilo electron volt or million electron volt 5 / 10 The concentration of the radioactive material in a gamma source is referred to as the specific activity of the source the quality of the source the atomic weight of the source the half life of the source 6 / 10 A radioisotope which undergoes 3.7 x 1012 disintegration per second will have an activity of 3.7 Ci 100 Ci 10milli Ci 370 Ci 7 / 10 a radioisotope and stable isotope of an element differ in their mass number atomic number chemical property none of the above 8 / 10 the curies per gram for a gamma ray source is called as the specific activity of the source the quality of the source the atomic weight of the source the half life of the source 9 / 10 radioactivity of 1 Bq corresponds to 3.7 x 1010 disintegrations per second 1 x 1010 disintegrations per second 3.7 x 1004 disintegrations per second none of the above 10 / 10 the emission of alpha radiation from a radioisotope leads to a daughter product with change in mass number change in atomic number change in atomic and mass number none of the above Your score isThe average score is 52% LinkedIn Facebook VKontakte 0% Restart quiz 0% 2131 Created on June 04, 2021Liquid Penetrant Testing Liquid Penetrant Testing Quiz-1 1 / 10 How is the size of a liquid penetrant indication usually related to the discontinuity itrepresents: Larger than Equal to Not related to Smaller than 2 / 10 Correct developer coating thickness is indicated by: A thin, translucent layer An even, snowy white appearance A slightly pinkish background A fine, misting spray 3 / 10 The act of determining the cause of an indication is called Determination Interpretation Evaluation Inspection 4 / 10 In the solvent removable penetrant process, excess penetrant is removed with: A water spray A hydrophilic scrubber A solvent spray Clean, lint free towels slightly moistened with solvent 5 / 10 Penetrant testing is limited by its inability to test which of the following materials: Ceramics Porous materials Moulded rubber Aluminium 6 / 10 Which penetrant process is best suited to detect shallow discontinuities? Fluorescent Solvent removable Post emulsifiable Water washable 7 / 10 Penetrants may be applied to the surface of part by : Spraying Dipping All of the above methods are acceptable Pouring 8 / 10 The time period during which penetrant remains on the surface of the test piece is called: Soaking time Development time Dwell time Fixing time 9 / 10 The penetrant process best suited to use on parts with rough surfaces is: Solvent removable Post emulsifiable Magnetic particle Water washable 10 / 10 Liquid penetrant testing is based on the principle of: Magnetic domains Capillary action Absorption of X rays Polarized sound waves in a liquid Your score isThe average score is 64% LinkedIn Facebook VKontakte 0% Restart quiz 0% 1225 Created on June 04, 2021Liquid Penetrant Testing Liquid Penetrant Testing Quiz-2 1 / 10 What minimum warm-up time is required for acceptable performance of a mercury Vapour arc black light? None 5 minutes 10 minutes 2 minutes 2 / 10 What type of solvent removers may be used with a solvent removable penetrant? Any organic solvent Any alcohol based solvents Only the cleaner recommended by the manufacturer of the penetrant Only chlorinated hydrocarbons 3 / 10 A hydrometer is used to measure: Penetrant viscosity Specific gravity of water based wet developers Penetrant specific gravity Cleaner specific gravity 4 / 10 What is the preferred pre-cleaning process for removal of oil and grease : Steam cleaning with a added acid Ultrasonic cleaning Steam cleaning Vapour degreasing 5 / 10 Which of the following is a prerequisite for a penetrant test? All traces of penetrant materials should be removed after testing is complete Developer must be applied in a thin, even coat The test object must be non-magnetic Any surface coatings or soils must be completely removed 6 / 10 For adequate test results, the black light used in fluorescent penetrant examination should provide what minimum black light intensity at the test surface? 1000 microwatts per square centimetre 35 microwatts per square centimeter 800 foot candles 100 foot candles per square centimetre 7 / 10 Visible, solvent removable penetrants are most advantageous for: Inspecting parts with porous surfaces Inspecting batches of small parts Inspecting parts at remote locations Inspecting parts with rough surfaces 8 / 10 Which of the following types of pre-cleaning processes may be used for liquid penetrant testing? Vapour degreasing only Any process that leaves the part clean and dry, does not harm the part and is compatible with the penetrant materials Wire brushing only Detergent and water only 9 / 10 Which of the following penetrants contains an emulsifying agent? Fluorescent Water washable Solvent removable Post emulsifiable 10 / 10 What is the likely result of incomplete removal of all excess penetrant from the test piece surface? Exaggeration of the size of relevant indications None of the above Formation of false indications Formation of relevant indications Your score isThe average score is 68% LinkedIn Facebook VKontakte 0% Restart quiz 0% 964 Created on June 04, 2021Liquid Penetrant Testing Liquid Penetrant Testing Quiz-3 1 / 10 Which of the following is a function of a developer Providing a contrasting background for visible dye indications Penetrating into discontinuities open to the surface Dissolve organic soils on the test piece surface Making the penetrant water washable 2 / 10 The most sensitive type of developer for the detection of fine discontinuities is: Dry Water Suspendable Non-aqueous wet Water soluble 3 / 10 Excess penetrant removal is a two step process with which of the following penetrant methods? Post emulsifiable Solvent removable Water washable Liquid oxygen applications 4 / 10 Which of the following developers is applied before the drying operation? Non-aqueous wet Dry None of the above Water based wet 5 / 10 Which of the following is a function of a developer? Providing a contrasting background for visible dye indications All of the above Provides capillary paths to aid the bleed out process Accentuates presence of discontinuities by causing a penetrant indication to spread out over a larger area 6 / 10 In the solvent removable penetrant process, excess penetrant is removed with: A hydrophilic scrubber A water spray Clean, lint free towels slightly moistened with solvent A solvent spray 7 / 10 A developer aids penetrant bleed out because of: Providing a contrasting background for visible dye indications Adequate removal of the excess penetrant Capillary action Proper emulsifier action 8 / 10 Water based wet developer is applied: For maximum sensitivity results Immediately before removal of excess penetrant After a drying period following removal of excess penetrant Immediately after removal of excess penetrant 9 / 10 Which of the following is the most sensitive developer in descending order? Dry, water soluble, water suspendable Non-aqueous wet, dry, water soluble Water suspendable, water soluble, non-aqueous wet Non-aqueous wet, water soluble, water suspendable ,dry 10 / 10 The time period during which penetrant remains on the surface of the test piece is called: Dwell time Soaking time Fixing time Development time Your score isThe average score is 69% LinkedIn Facebook VKontakte 0% Restart quiz 0% 959 Created on July 08, 2021Liquid Penetrant Testing Magnetic Particle Testing Quiz-1 1 / 10 Why are magnetic particles available in different colors ? Both a and b To enhance the detection of indications For color contrast with the part surface Different colors are used with different magnetic flux values. 2 / 10 Ferromagnetic material is : Not capable of being magnetized Strongly attracted by a magnet Both a and b Capable of being magnetized 3 / 10 The magnetic field is strongest when the : Magnetizing voltage is flowing Magnetizing current is not flowing Magnetizing current is flowing Materials exhibits high coercive forces 4 / 10 If a crack exists in a circular magnet , the attraction of magnetic particles to the crack is caused by : Leakage field High reluctance at the crack Doppler effect Coercive force 5 / 10 Which statement is true when related to magnetic lines of force ? They seek the path of least resistance All of the above They are most dense at the poles of a magnet They never cross 6 / 10 The retentivity of a material describes the : Length of time required to demagnetize it Depth of magnetic field in the part Ease with which it can be magnetized Ability to retain the magnetic field 7 / 10 Which of the following can be magnetized ? Iron Cobalt All of the above Nickel 8 / 10 The unit usually used to denote flux density is the : Gauss Farad Henry Ampere 9 / 10 Magnetic particle is a nondestructive examination method used for : Locating surface discontinuities Both a and b Detecting material separation Locating near surface discontinuities 10 / 10 The permeability of a material describes the : Ease with which it can be magnetized Depth of magnetic field in the part Ability to retain the magnetic field Length of time required to demagnetize it Your score isThe average score is 68% LinkedIn Facebook VKontakte 0% Restart quiz 0% 764 Created on July 08, 2021Liquid Penetrant Testing Magnetic Particle Testing Quiz-2 1 / 10 Magnetic flux lines which are parallel to a discontinuity produce : Weak indications Fuzzy indications Strong indications No indications 2 / 10 A circular filed may be induced into a specimen by : Direct induction (head shot) Direct induction (prods) All of the above Central conductor 3 / 10 The magnitude of the residual magnetic field in a specimen is dependent on the : Strength of the applied magnetic force Right hand rule Left hand rule L/D ratio 4 / 10 Magnetic lines of force : Form a closed loop Overlay in highly ferromagnetic materials Are randomly oriented Travel in straight lines 5 / 10 An electrical yoke produces : Alternating fields A swinging filed A circular field A longitudinal field 6 / 10 A coil around the part produces : Either a or b depending on the type of current applied A circular field An intermittent field A longitudinal field 7 / 10 In longitudinal magnetization the proper term for calculating magnetizing force is : Watts Ohms Ampere turns Amperes 8 / 10 The proper number of ampere turns for a given test specimen is determined by : Its length Its diameter Both a and b The material 9 / 10 What rule describes the direction of current flow when lines of magnetic force surround a conductor? The reluctance rule The left hand thump rule The flux rule The right hand thumb rule 10 / 10 A part is adaptable to magnetic particle inspection if : The materials is an electric conductor The material is ferromagnetic It is attached to an electro static field The material is non ferrous Your score isThe average score is 67% LinkedIn Facebook VKontakte 0% Restart quiz